About Us
In the summer of 1983, the then Principal of Trinity – Rev. Dr W.A. Wickremasinghe – sought the help of Mr Gamini Sumanasekera to host an under 15 cricket team that toured the UK. There was no old boys association at the time and so Mr Sumanasekera solicited the help of many of his friends to assist hosting the team.
However, the tour sparked a lot of interest amongst the old boys living in the UK, and after further discussions with the former distinguished Vice Principal and Choir Master – Major Gordon Burrows – living in retirement at the time in Farnborough; a fellowship dinner was organized for the Trinity old boys, families and friends associated with the school.
The dinner took place in a hotel close to Heathrow airport and following the suggestion made by Major Burrows, a collective decision was taken to set up an old boys association in the UK, which would not only give the opportunity for people to meet, but more importantly to try and raise funds to benefit our alma mater. The attendees unanimously agreed and the TCK OBA (UK) was thus born in 1984!
Major Burrows agreed to be the Chairman and Mr Gamini Sumanasekera took on the arduous task as the Secretary to formulate a constitution and get things in motion. His enthusiasm, focus and determination has resulted in the association flourishing now in its 35thconsecutive year and one that has even earned the recognition of the Charity Commissioner.